
The Hawaii Anglican Network exists as a family of churches and ministries from Hawaii within the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. While all Christians are united in the Body of Christ, our Network shares the additional unity of bishop, location, and mission.

This site serves the mission of the network by being a kind of hub for witness, collaboration, and resource.

For more information about the Gospel of Jesus and the Anglican Mission in Hawaii, contact our clergy:

Fr. Mark Brians
Rector, All Saints Honolulu; HAN Leader
mark (at) allsaintshonolulu . com

Fr. Jason Hill
Church Planter, Kingsfield Maui
pastorjasonhill (at) gmail . com

Fr. Dan Hanlon
Rector, Christ the Foundation
dan.j.hanlon (at) gmail.com

Fr. Jonathan Fant
Big Island Church Planter
jfantmusic (at) gmail . com

Fr. Matthew Darby
Curate, All Saints Honolulu
matt (at) ctfa.church

Dcn. David Chung
Deacon, Christ the Foundation
david (at) ctfa.church

Dcn. Ben Moore
Deacon, All Saints Honolulu; Director, Saint Benedict Hall
stbenedicthall (at) gmail . com

Dcn. Dawson Vorderbruegge
Deacon, All Saints Honolulu
dvorderbruegge (at) gmail . com

Dcn. Lisa Anderson-Lloyd
Deacon, Christ the Foundation
lisa.andersonlloyd (at) gmail . com

Fr. Chris Bruno
Assisting Priest, All Saints Honolulu
chrisbruno23 (at) gmail . com

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